W dniu 18 grudnia 2012 roku PFPK Sp. z o.o. uczestniczył w konferencji „Środki krajowe i unijne dla przedsiębiorców” zorganizowanej przez Powiatowy Urząd Pracy w Gnieźnie w Hotelu NEST w Gnieźnie.
W dniu 18 grudnia 2012 roku PFPK Sp. z o.o. uczest24 i 25 kwietnia 2013r. w Hali nr. 15 MTP po raz III w Poznaniu odbędą się Targi Przedsiębiorczości.niczył w konferencji „Środki krajowe i unijne dla przedsiębiorców” zorganizowanej przez Powiatowy Urząd Pracy w Gnieźnie w Hotelu NEST w Gnieźnie.
W dniach 13-14 grudnia 2012 roku PFPK Sp. z o.o. zorganizował spotkanie pod tytułem: „Inicjatywa JEREMIE, czyli jak najtaniej zabezpieczyć kredyt ze środków unijnych ?”
Micro, small and medium size entrepreneurs can apply for a guarantee, provided that they run businesses in a non-rural sector and they have been running their businesses in Wielkopolskie voivodship for longer then 6 months. Another condition of obtaining the guarantee is to maintain creditworthiness.
Thanks to a Fund guarantee, an entrepreneur has a convenient access to bank credits and bank loans which are intended for running a business. It gives the opportunity to commence new projects, finance development investments, initiate new technological solutions and create new workplaces.
The Fund grants a guarantee:
Business entity that benefits from a guarantee bears little costs which are in the form of a commission fee. A blank promissory note is the fundamental collateral of a guarantee.
The Fund grants a guarantee:
Business entity that benefits from a guarantee bears little costs which are in the form of a commission fee. A blank promissory note is the fundamental collateral of a guarantee.
In order to obtain a guarantee (both the PFPK guarantee and the joint PFPK and SFPK guarantee in Gostyń) a signed original of an application form for granting a guarantee shall be submitted in the bank that is in cooperation with the Fund. All application forms for granting a guarantee are generated exclusively through the website www.pfpk.pl.
The copy of the completed application form is sent automatically to the Fund, whereas the original form shall be printed and submitted in the bank. There is no necessity to submit any additional documentation in the Head Office of the Fund. The examination of the application form is not depended on making any payment.
Ladies and Gentlemen!
Throughout the 10-year period, since the establishment of the Fund, our activity has been undergoing the process of constant development. Through these years all the instituted solutions has become an example to follow by numerous new established funds. Moreover, we have participated in creating these funds, both providing advice and guidance in organisation of their work and sharing with previously acquired operational experience.